A National Level Technical Fest - TECHKOSMOS'14 conducted by the IEEE Student Branch of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 8th February 2014.
TECHKOSMOS '14 Technical, Symposium Events in Coimbatore :
• Maximum of 3 in a team.
• The participants must mail their ABSTRACT + VISUAL SUBMISSION (VIDEO/PHOTOS) of their complete project to the given *mail id.
• The Abstract must be in 10pt Times New Roman font with not more than 150 words.
• The team must clearly mention the following details in their abstract;
1. Name of the participants (with a team name)
2. Year and Department
3. College name with full address
4. If IEEE member mention the IEEE number
5. Contact details (Mail id & phone number)
6. Title of the project
• The participants must mail with the SUBJECT as “RAZZMATAZZ : TITLE OF THE PROJECT”
• Maximum of 2 in a team.
• The participants must mail their ABSTRACT + SOFT COPY of their poster to the given *mail id.
• A team can send a minimum of 4 posters to a maximum of 7 posters.
• The posters must be designed in A3 size (420 x 297 mm).
• The Abstract must be in 10pt Times New Roman font with not more than 150 words.
• The team must clearly mention the following details in their abstract;
1. Name of the participants (with a team name)
2. Year and Department
3. College name with full address
4. If IEEE member mention the IEEE number
5. Contact details (Mail id & phone number)
6. Title of the poster
• The participants must mail with the SUBJECT as “X-AGGERATE : TITLE OF THE POSTER”
THEME: Technologies for Humanity (The technology can be of any innovative idea)
DEADLINE: 25th January 2014
*Mail id: [email protected]
The Shortlisted teams will be intimated on 27th January 2014.
IEEE-MEMBERS: RS.150/- per head
NON-IEEE MEMBERS: RS.300/- per head